No. You may browse the online site to view the full range of Mass Mutual promotional products without registering. It is necessary to register and create an account only when adding items to your shopping cart. This step is necessary to ensure shipping and billing accuracy.
Orders may be purchased using a Credit Card or an approved Cost Center.
Yes. Our dedicated Customer Service team will be happy to assist you in fulfilling your custom order requests. Please keep in mind that certain minimum quantities do apply. Please refer to our Custom Order tab on the navigation bar.
Certainly. If you have a special promotion planned and you'd like an item you don't see in the catalog, our dedicated Customer Service team will be happy to assist you with your purchase. We have relationships with hundreds of factories, which stock thousands of different items. Please refer to our Custom Order tab on the navigation bar.
Yes. CMS provides full mailing and print services. Please refer to our Custom Order tab on the navigation bar.